Cardano update
Goguen is a name of one of the development phases of the Cardano blockchain.
Through the implementation of features indispensable to companies such as smart contracts and multi-assets, DAPPS development will begin to accelerate on the Cardano blockchain.
Main flow of transition to Goguen
Four hard forks (updates) are scheduled to transition to Goguen.
Each update is given a unique name. The Mary hard fork was implemented (multi-assets) on March 1. Alonzo will be implemented next to facilitate smart contracts on the Cardano blockchain.
Four code names: Rosetta, Allegra, Mary, Alonzo
Features of the Mary update
This allows the creation of new natively-supported tokens. The creation of new tokens on Cardano allows for the tokenization of a variety of digital information and real assets.
Two important points of Goguen: #1
(1) Plutus
Plutus is a functional programming language for writing smart contracts.
It allows for the development of a more consistent system both on-chain and off-chain compared to the existing implementation of smart contracts.
Two important points of Goguen: #2
(2) Marlowe
Marlowe is a computer language specially designed for financial-related matters.
It allows even non-programmers to simply build financial smart contracts. This facilitates an environment that promotes application development.
This is the name of the third update of the three stages of the transition from Shelley to Goguen. The name comes from Alonzo Church, an American logician and mathematician.
Development progress of Alonzo
IOHK, which develops Cardano (ADA), announced on September 2 that they successfully launched a smart contract called Plutus on a testnet.
Alonzo is divided up into several phases, and each phase is demarcated with a specific color.
The current phase, Alonzo Blue, will be succeeded by Alonzo White and Alonzo Purple.
By launching the Plutus smart contract, the number of decentralized applications using Cardano is expected to increase.
Cardano has ensured steady development by adopting a peer-reviewed implementation structure consisting of expert evaluation and verification. Once the Alonzo update is completed in about 6 years from Cardano’s inception, Goguen will finally be completed.